
Jennifer Roth

⏳ The Path of Humility


This past Sunday, as we commemorated Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, I was reminded of the profound humility displayed by our Savior. He didn't come to earth demanding recognition or praise. Instead, He chose to humble Himself, taking on the form of a servant and obediently walking the path of sacrifice.

Philippians 2 highlights the humility of Jesus. Despite being in the very nature of God, He didn't consider equality with God as something to be grasped. Instead, He emptied Himself, taking on the form of a servant. This act of humility challenges us to follow Jesus' example and embrace humility in our thoughts, words, and actions.

In this season of profound reflection and spiritual renewal, let us pause to consider how we can embrace humility in the moments of our everyday lives. Perhaps it's choosing to listen rather than speak, forgive rather than hold onto grudges, or serve others without seeking recognition or praise. These small yet significant acts of humility reflect Christ's character and have the power to transform our relationships, communities, and, ultimately, our world.

As we journey through the final days of Holy Week, may Jesus' humility inspire us to love and serve others as He did, drawing us closer to God's heart and the true meaning of this sacred season. Have a blessed Easter weekend.

Moment by Moment,


P.S. Check out the most recent Monday Night Live episode on the Humility of Jesus!


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Jennifer Roth

Our stories are a collection of moments. Some on the mountaintop, others in the valley, and many in the mundane. I’m learning when we look for God in the details, we find Him. Moment by Moment is a new biweekly newsletter dedicated to the intentional embrace of life's meaningful moments as we journey with Jesus.

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