
Jennifer Roth

⏳ Staying Rooted


I hope your August is off to a great start. I’m excited to catch up after taking a bit of a digital break in July. It wasn’t strategically planned, but I felt a gentle nudge from the Spirit to unplug, and it turned out to be just what I needed. It allowed me to focus my thoughts, deepen my prayers, gain perspective, and stay rooted — which July called for a lot of. One of the highlights of this month was hosting the Sacred Storytelling group. Listening to the stories and seeing God’s hand in each person’s journey was incredibly life-giving, underscoring my passion for the ministry of spiritual formation.

During this time, I’ve been reflecting on the idea of “remaining” or “abiding” in Christ, inspired by John 15:1-8. Just as a branch needs to stay connected to the vine to bear fruit, we must remain rooted in Christ for a truly fulfilling life. The Greek word meno, meaning to stay, continue, and endure, has been central to my reflections. As I sit with these thoughts in a season of endurance, I am thankful that I don’t have to strive in my own (lack of) willpower but abide in the Vine.

Colossians 2:6-7 captures this beautifully: “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” It reminds us that while starting our walk with Christ is important, real transformation happens as we stay connected, deepen our relationship with Him, and stay thankful! (Interestingly enough, my word for the year is rooted. More on that later.)

Remaining in Christ isn’t just about sticking with Him when things are good; it’s about staying committed through life’s ups and downs, which we can only do while we’re connected. And I’ve found that having a Rule of Life, a personal guide that outlines spiritual practices and rhythms, can help with this journey, like a trellis supporting a vine. It’s given me a framework for the disciplines that keep me rooted. And sharing these practices to help others deepen their journey with Jesus brings me great joy!

I am thrilled to announce the launch of my ​new website with services to support you on your spiritual journey: ​

  • Individual Spiritual Direction: Experience one-on-one online spiritual direction to deepen your connection with Jesus and gain insight into your spiritual journey. [Schedule a Discovery Call]
  • Group Spiritual Direction: Participate in spiritual direction in a supportive group setting where individuals discuss their spiritual experiences and discern God’s presence in their lives. [Learn more here].
  • Spiritual Formation Groups: Develop a framework that supports your spiritual growth in our five-week cohort, Guided by Love: Crafting a Rule of Life, which begins September 2024. [Join the waitlist].
  • Coaching: Benefit from personalized online coaching to achieve your goals. Each session is tailored to your unique needs and aims to foster meaningful progress in your personal and spiritual life. [Book a Discovery Call].
  • Speaking: Enhance your community’s spiritual journey with workshops, events, or retreats designed to meet your group’s needs, both online and in person. [Let’s connect!]

Feel free to explore or share these offerings with someone who might benefit from them. Each opportunity is designed to help you stay connected and rooted to Jesus, the True Vine.

Thank you for being part of this journey. Your support is invaluable, and I look forward to connecting and continuing to support your spiritual growth.

Moment by Moment,

Quick note: Some links in this newsletter are possibly affiliates. If you make a purchase, I may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Your support helps keep the lights on, and I am grateful! Want to show some extra love? You’re welcome to contribute to my virtual tip jar! 😊

Jennifer Roth

Our stories are a collection of moments. Some on the mountaintop, others in the valley, and many in the mundane. I’m learning when we look for God in the details, we find Him. Moment by Moment is a new biweekly newsletter dedicated to the intentional embrace of life's meaningful moments as we journey with Jesus.

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