
Jennifer Roth

⏳ Navigating Moments of Grief

It’s hard to avoid the presence of sorrow and grief in our lives. Maybe you’re experiencing it now, supporting a friend who is hurting or feeling the heaviness of the headlines. These emotions are all too familiar and can be overpowering and isolating. Grief is a natural but painful part of life, whether it’s from the loss of a loved one, the end of a significant chapter, or the shattering of a dream. Understanding and processing our grief is not just important; it's crucial for both emotional and spiritual healing. But what does that actually look like?

If you've been here for a while, you know I'm a fan of the TV series The Chosen. I've been deeply moved by how Season 4 especially highlights the themes of grief and sorrow. The characters’ emotional and spiritual struggles reflect the very real grief we experience today. Their depiction of John the Baptist’s and Lazarus’ deaths, among other storylines, invites us to reflect on our own losses and the pain we carry. Often—for me at least—it's hard to articulate everything that is happening inside. These stories can help us to process our grief, reminding us that it's a journey to be embraced, not hidden. Ultimately, the show’s creativity points us to the Word of God.

Whether you're dealing with personal hardship, difficult news, or emotions sparked by watching The Chosen, these feelings are real. As we navigate our grief, it’s of vital importance to remember that we are not alone. Psalm 34:18 reassures us, "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." This verse reminds us that God is with us in our darkest moments and often ministers to us through the presence of another person. I invite you to a special livestream event with Dr. Quantrilla Ard, a grief coach and friend, to offer hope through these challenging emotions. Together, we will delve into the themes of grief presented in The Chosen and Scripture and explore how they resonate with our own lives.

Quantrilla Ard, PhD, lives in the Atlanta area along with her husband and three littles. She is a faith-based personal and spiritual development author and dynamic speaker who believes in the power of collective strength, community, and fellowship. A passionate creative at heart, she has answered the call to encourage women in all stages of life and of various backgrounds through empathy, transparency, and love. Quanny holds a doctoral degree in Health Psychology and is an advocate and champion for social and reproductive justice with a focus on Black maternal and infant health and mortality.

Dr. Ard uses her social media platforms to engage, educate, and inform others about her doctoral research and personal experience with preeclampsia. In addition, she provides expert opinions on the same in various print and online media outlets. She also humbly stewards a grief and loss community and podcast, both entitled It’s All Grief to Me, as a coach and liaison for individuals navigating their loss journeys. You can find Quanny sharing stories of triumph as well as follow her and the work she is involved in at

Join us on Tuesday, June 25th, at 6:00 pm CT for our special livestream event. I pray this discussion with Dr. Ard encourages you and points you to the comfort and peace of God, no matter where you are in your process.

Moment by Moment,


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Jennifer Roth

Our stories are a collection of moments. Some on the mountaintop, others in the valley, and many in the mundane. I’m learning when we look for God in the details, we find Him. Moment by Moment is a new biweekly newsletter dedicated to the intentional embrace of life's meaningful moments as we journey with Jesus.

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