
Jennifer Roth

⏳ A Day of Surrender

Hey Friend,

Today holds great significance for me, and I want to share a part of my journey with you. Twenty-six years ago, on May 24th, a pivotal moment unfolded in my life that changed everything. It was the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend. That Saturday night, I had gone to a party, hanging out and drinking with friends. At one point, I tried to sneak out to my car to grab something, but one of my friends stopped me. She knew what I was up to.

You see, I had picked up another habit. Besides the drinking, smoking, cursing, lying, and sinful relationships that had been my way of life during high school and beyond, I had started using cocaine occasionally with different groups of friends. Each group thought they were the only ones I got high with, and they believed I had it under control. Although it wasn’t an everyday habit, it was heading that way because I liked it—a lot. I liked it more than any drunken feeling or any other high or guy. My friend saw that look in my eyes and courageously told me what I didn’t want to hear but needed to.

It wasn’t the first time a friend had called me out on my stuff. A few months earlier, another friend from a different group had pulled me aside. My usage wasn’t so secretive to her, and I was getting sloppy. Neither friend knew God had been working on my heart for several months. The more He tugged at me inwardly, the worse my outward actions became. It was more than a spiritual battle; it was an all-out war. I knew God was real. I always knew. And I knew He was calling me to Himself and eventually to ministry. Somehow, I had a feeling it might be sooner than later, but I wasn’t going down without a fight.

God was indeed at work that night (and on the many nights my family had been praying for me). Though I continued drinking with my friends at the party, I couldn’t touch the coke. I felt convicted. I knew the spiritual battle was intensifying, and I would soon surrender. On that Sunday morning, I woke up and, led by the Holy Spirit, drove straight to my parents’ church. I didn’t fully understand what was happening in my heart, but I knew I needed to be there. That day, quietly but intentionally, I decided to surrender and serve the Lord.

Sunday, May 24, 1998

Did I change overnight? No. But that day, I knew I couldn’t continue living as I had been. I couldn’t run from God anymore. I couldn't go back to that life even when I tried! It actually became sickening. I knew Jesus was the only way and had illuminated my dark path, and the Holy Spirit blocked every other alternative. I have walked this path (sometimes crawled) by His grace for the last twenty-six years.

Has it been easy? No. Since that day in 1998, I’ve endured depression, divorce, trauma, chronic illness, and deep pain. But I’ve also experienced God’s nearness and faithfulness in ways I would never trade: revelations of His love and forgiveness, waves of His mercy, encounters with His truth and amazing grace, and the rest that only Jesus can bring. He’s transformed my life and has been with me through every trial and triumph. The magnitude means more to me every year that passes.

I am saved. I am forgiven. I am set free. All because of Jesus.

It’s good to reflect on our stories and remember God’s goodness. Sometimes, we need to look back before we move forward. After a challenging couple of months personally (hence my absence here), I needed a perspective shift. God is so much bigger than our circumstances, and surrender isn’t just a one-time occurrence. It’s day by day and moment by moment.

Perhaps I’m not the only one who could use this reminder. Maybe you’re having a funky day or have also had a rough couple of weeks and need a moment to remember God’s love and grace. Know that He sees you, He loves you, and He’s got you.

If you are praying for a wayward child or a loved one in a seemingly impossible situation, keep praying. Nothing is impossible with God! Trust that His love for them is greater than you can imagine, and He is at work even when we cannot see it. And if you feel like you’re too far gone, know it’s not too late. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, is waiting for you with open arms. I pray that you experience and receive His love today, whether the first or the millionth time. His love never fails.

Moment by Moment,



P.S. Stay tuned for some exciting news!

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Jennifer Roth

Our stories are a collection of moments. Some on the mountaintop, others in the valley, and many in the mundane. I’m learning when we look for God in the details, we find Him. Moment by Moment is a new biweekly newsletter dedicated to the intentional embrace of life's meaningful moments as we journey with Jesus.

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